Mechanics of communication.
-Communication is central to our lives.
-Communication- A process for by communicator us a new
direction message through medium/channel with some affect
The process school-“Who says what to whom in which
channel with what effect.”
The semiotic school.
Communication process:
These will depend on a lot of things such as your age
has your habits personality friends call to you live in and the differences and
those who you are trying to send a message to.
To create messaging we come up with a “code “this code
will be a visual code which will help convey the message this code will also
try to appeal to every human being on the planet.
and signifiers-
These can be common symbols or other things that the
note or connote activities or meetings and things that come before and after it
will change the meaning of the sign or signal fire.
parts to a sign
Representen the sign which relates to an object.
Interprement informs the meaning of the sign.
the actual object.
The three also could be described as icon symbol and
We will work mostly with iconic and symbolic types of
signs because an icon will reach a lot more people and even children.
A symbolic sign has little to nothing to do with the
sign however the meaning of the sign perfectly illustrates the point of the
illustration. Some examples of this include words and flags.
The index sign. These occur naturally such as tracks
made by animals.
the code.
Sometime this can be tricky, first because there are
several methods of completing this and second, because they can be interpreted
millions of different ways.
the space on which it’s being portrayed.
the clothing the characters are wearing.
recognizable types of people (Gender, race, age etc.)
the formal arrangement of the image. (Where things are placed)
color will impact the overall mood and feel of the peace.
these denote information about the characters such as profession family life of
other of these details.
language- facial expression arms folded sitting down and other
emelements such as these can help drive your point.
the actions going on in the illustration such as hugging fighting and other
things of this nature.
narratives- such as comic books of children’s books help drive
the narrative through a sequence of images depicting the story.
these are used to illustrate large ideas or concepts in a small amount of
a story that is more accessible to the audience that is targeted. Telling a
story that is adapted to children for example which is a complex or sensitive
matter made simpler without losing the seriousness of it.
humor in an image is a great way to draw people into it. Humor is a universal
language and for the most part with some exceptions understood by all. Unless
there is a specific target audience.
The medium you use to create an image will in large
way impact the effectiveness, of the image and how well the message is
portrayed. For example an illustration about slavery painted with a paint brush
and paint will be less effective than if it’s done on a canvas made of handpicked
cotton done with the end of a whip. The message will become more real to the
who will “decode the message” if you intend your audience to be middle aged men
who are athletic and your image comes across lazy and you color palate is such
that would be used in a Disney princess movie you have missed your destination.