Reading 1

Reading 1
Drawing an overview.
Drawing is the keystone of the visual arts. This can be done with a variety of tools such as pencils (with varying weights of graphite) also this can be done with chalk Charcoal and other substances however the pencil is the most popular. Also the paper such as quality and size are crucial decisions the artist needs to make. The eraser can too be a variety of substances and is also important. Drawing however is not limited to the traditional style this can also be done in pen and ink and even done digitally on a computer.
The sketch
A loose free drawing step that is integral to creating an effective finished peace of art. It can be done with no reservations or concern for the accuracy of the image. It's meant to be changed and done and re-done to help the artists further refine and develop his idea into a comprehensive image.
The finished drawing.

This sounds exactly like what it is a finished product that has been refined and perfected. The artists although may go through several "finished drawings" before reaching the highest quality one. This also can be split into two categories.

  -The observed
Done while actually in the environment. This method gives a certain amount of power and energy to a work of art.

                - The imagined
Just as it sounds this type takes place in the artists mind, attempting to transport the viewer somewhere beyond this world.

Printing, Printmaking and assemblage

This form of art has been around for thousands of years. And uses a variety of material and tools such as a brush to our hands to human hair and even different body parts. We now have bottles or tubes of ink and paint they use to use crushed up stones and flowers and other natural materials.


Simply put printmaking is a set of techniques that enables the artist to reproduce a image several times over. Using several different plates as they are called (wood, copper, glass, linoleum etc.) The artist can use various techniques to carve or melt away parts of the plate to create an image which then ink can be applied and used to print the image. Also screen printing is a technique used to transfer images or words or logos onto cloth.

This technique uses found images arranged to make one image. Also known as a collage.
Here the artists uses a single or a series of computer programs as his medium to create the art. Sometimes in a photo-realistic form or in a abstract and anywhere in between.
Depicting space.
This can be done in many ways from line usage for creating perspective or shape and color to do the same.

-Indian Tradition
This is a simple from in which the closest objects are placed at the bottom of the page the middle objects in the middle and so on.

-East Asian
The thickness of line help aid in this method to depict depth.

The Egyptians usually depicted their figures from the profile view.

The western tradition quickly developed using the method of mechanical perspective or drawing the world as we really see it.

Fixed viewpoint-is the position on which the object is drawn.
Cone of vision-drawing no more than 30 degrees on either side of the sight line.
Picture plane-an imaginary vertical plane.
Vanishing point- parallel lines converging on a single point.
Horizon line-the point where the ground planes end and the sky begins.
One point perspective- when all of the lines converge to one point.
Two point perspective- there are two sets of parallel lines.